Marpatech manufactures belts for conveying industrial products, also known as Non Food category, such as polystyrene panels, hardware and screws. The handling of these products can be done through modular belts, special applications, belt and roller diverters, as well as the Sortech machine.
Cases | Cartons | Bowls/Trays |
Cases | Cartons |
Bowls/Trays |
Cases | Cartons | Bundles | Bowls/Trays |
Cases | Cartons | Rolls | Bowls/Trays |
Modular conveyor
Cases | Rolls | Bowls/Trays |
Modular conveyor
Cases | Cartons | Bundles | Bowls/Trays |
Modular conveyor
Cases | Cartons | Bundles | Bowls/Trays |
Modular conveyor
Cases | Cartons | Bundles | Rolls | Bowls/Trays |
Modular conveyor
Bundles | Pallett | Rolls | Bowls/Trays | Cases | Cartons |
Slat conveyor
Cartons | Bundles | Bowls/Trays |
Slat conveyor
Cartons | Bundles |
Slat conveyor
Cases | Cartons | Rolls | Bowls/Trays |
Slat conveyor
Cartons | Rolls | Bowls/Trays |
Roller conveyor
Bowls/Trays |
Roller conveyor
Bowls/Trays |
Roller conveyor
Bundles |
Pallet conveyor
Pallett |
Pallet conveyor
Pallett |
Pallet conveyor
Pallett |
Pallet conveyor
Pallett |
Pallet conveyor
Pallett |
Pan conveyor
Bowls/Trays |
Conveyor belt
Cases |
Handling solutions
Handling solutions
Cartons |
Handling solutions
Cases | Cartons | Bowls/Trays |
Handling solutions
Rolls |
Handling solutions
Cases |
Handling solutions
Cases | Cartons |
Handling solutions
Cartons | Rolls |
Handling solutions
Cases |
Handling solutions
Cartons |
Accessory Solutions
Cases | Cartons |
Accessory Solutions
Cartons |
Accessory Solutions
Pallett | Rolls | Bowls/Trays |
Accessory Solutions
Cases | Cartons | Bundles | Bowls/Trays |
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