Modular Porter Conveyor

Modular conveyor system adaptable to all widths and lengths, the modular porter conveyor is made entirely of stainless steel and is widely used in the food sector.
Trasporto modulare facchini

Modular Porter Conveyor

The modular porter conveyor is Marpatech’s handling solution particularly suitable for the food sector, especially for conveying unpacked products and primary packaging. It can be manufactured in various widths and lengths, with a wide range of standard porters and customizable on the specific need with side panels, loading/unloading hoppers and other accessories. The conveyor belts are made entirely of stainless steel, in order to comply with the strictest regulations of the food and pharmaceutical sectors.

Suited for
  • surgelati
    Frozen food
  • pane
    Bakery products
    Unpacked, Pans,
  • ortofrutta
    Fruit and Vegetables
  • fresco
    Fresh Product


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