Stainless Steel Slat Conveyor

Handling solution suitable for the food industry and bottling, the stainless steel slat conveyor stands out for its robustness and resistance to the highest temperatures.
Trasporto tapparella inox

Stainless Steel Slat Conveyor

This is the type of Marpatech conveyor belt with stainless steel slat, whose construction is linked to satisfying the applications in which the use of this specific material is indispensable. In fact, the stainless steel slat conveyor is particularly safe and wear-resistant. Its greatest use is encountered for conveying glass containers and for handling pans. Given the material, the belts are designed specifically for the food and bottling industry. These solutions are easy to sanitize and resistant to the highest temperatures.

Suited for
  • imbottogliamento
  • lattiero
  • cibo animali
    Pet Food
    Small jars,
  • conserviero
    Canned goods
    Small jars, Bottles/Containers,
  • cura persona, casa
    Personal and Home Care
